about me

Welcome to my website and blog, hopefully you’ll find it interesting, helpful, supportive or even inspiring. The site is intended to document my journey as a type 1 diabetic to a lifetime ambition of completing an Iron Man triathlon, however long it takes.

From a very early age I’ve had an interest in sport and exercise, playing football for my local football team from 4 years old and going on to captain the local team and playing for the school football teams until entering open-age football at just 15 years old. Football has been a huge part of my life and weekends have been spent playing Saturday and Sunday league football until 2012 which turned out to be a milestone year all round as in August 2012 my life changed forever through my type 1 diabetes diagnosis.

My love of sport and exercise has also influenced my studies as I graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 2002 (having studied at North Lincolnshire College Centre for Sports Excellence) with a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science. Little did I know those endocrinology modules would actually come in really handy!

Following my diagnosis I spent a couple of years on MDI (multiple daily injections) before moving to an Animas Vibe insulin pump in December 2014. Following moving to the pump I’ve developed a growing passion for diabetes related technology and decided to self-fund the Dexcom G4 Continuous Glucose Monitoring system (CGM) which I use intermittently. The CGM has helped inform my decisions in managing my type 1 diabetes during exercise.

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