Great North Run Training with Type 1 Diabetes using the Ypsopump and CamAPS FX Hybrid Closed-Loop System

As someone that has completed ultra-marathons up to 50 miles across the Lake District and been on their feet for over 21 hours of continuous exercise you might think training for a half marathon would be pretty straight forward. Well, I’m a bit older, a bit heavier (almost 2 stone heavier) and a bit busier… Read more »

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2020: Striking a Balance & Exercising with Type 1 Diabetes – A Year in Review

Striking a Balance As much as we all probably want to wipe 2020 from our memory, I’m going to approach this blog optimistically with a suggestion that most of us have learned something about ourselves and our management of type 1 diabetes during the past year. Not many of us have maintained the same routine… Read more »

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Lakes in a Day 50 Mile Ultra-marathon with type 1 diabetes!

Every year I like to set myself some kind of physical challenge, it makes sure I stay active and really helps both my physical and mental health. Remaining active also helps me to manage my blood glucose in relation to my type 1 diabetes. My pancreas stopped producing insulin in 2012 and ever since I’ve… Read more »

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YpsoPump – A Future Closed-loop Option?

Background At a type 1 diabetes event I attended last year I had a chance conversation with a couple of people from the UK team of Ypsomed, mylife Diabetes care. Ypsomed is a Switzerland based insulin pump (and infusion set) company. The main thing that struck me about this conversation was how engaged they were… Read more »

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Cycling 100 miles with type 1 diabetes using a DIY “Artificial Pancreas”

Exciting times! So, two (or more) firsts contained in this blog post: I cycled the Ride London 100 miles with around 25,000 other cyclists in torrential rain and horrible headwinds! I cycled hundreds of training miles plus the Ride London 100 using a DIY Artificial Pancreas System (Android APS) – known as a hybrid closed-loop…. Read more »

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Ride London 100 miles with Type 1 Diabetes

Cycling 100 miles with type 1 diabetes On Sunday 29 July I will be donning my lycra and joining 25,000 other cyclists taking on the 100 mile Prudential Ride London ( I’ll also be cycling with my DIY artificial pancreas in my jersey pocket to manage my type 1 diabetes. (More to come in a… Read more »

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River Ayr Way 40 mile Ultra-marathon with type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes and my first 40 mile ultra-marathon (plus the Great North Run 2016)! As you’ll know if you’ve read my earlier blog posts, this year is made up of 5 events covering 130 miles raising funds for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) I’ve already completed the Manchester Marathon and Yorkshire Three Peaks… Read more »

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Main events 2016

Type 1 Diabetes and running 130 miles over 5 events

It’s been a while….. It’s been a while since my last blog and I know it’s long overdue, life kind of just took over these past few months (in a good way). The twins are now 10 months old and our little three year old is a typical bundle of energy plus work has got… Read more »

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Becoming a Type 1 Diabetic Multi-marathoner, CGM, xDrip and Nightscout

I’m a Multi-marathoner! Success! I can now call myself a multi-marathoner! Granted I’ve only ran two marathons but hey, it’s more than one and there’ll be more to come. It’s also major progress towards my Iron Man triathlon ambition. It’s been a while since my last blog update, mainly down to having to focus on… Read more »

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York 10k photo

Type 1 diabetes, peer support and smashing my 10k PB!

Event 1 of 3, smashing my 10k PB! One event down, two to go this year! And it ended with a massive PB! I’ll explain a bit about how I did it with type 1 diabetes later in this blog. I recently ran the first of my three events this year, the York 10k (the… Read more »

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  • Edinburgh Marathon – Joanne Gemie Guest Blog

    Intro My name is Joanne Gemie and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 7. Oh, I’ve just completed something I never thought I would, the Edinburgh Marathon, 26.2 miles (plus the training) with type 1 diabetes! Here’s a brief history of my journey to marathon….. Rowing I don’t really remember… Read more »

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  • Newborn Twins, Sleep Deprivation and becoming a Team BG Ambassador!

    THE TWINS HAVE ARRIVED!…. …… and don’t I know it. Mabel and Monty arrived on Friday 5th June 2015 safe and well. We’re just over one week into becoming parents for the second and third time with just 11 minutes between second and third children. Mabel and Monty join our 2 year old George and… Read more »

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  • The Journey So Far

    The Journey So Far….

    Firstly please forgive the really long post, I’ve been thinking of starting this blog for some time so had quite a lot of stuff to update you with. Please stick with me, I’m going to need you on this epic journey! Pre-T1D I have actually spent most of my life without type 1 or indeed… Read more »

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